can see that my sister was happy. That leaves me quite calm, but not quite ... as they note that some of his superiors not feel so transparent.
And another nice thing was the gift of the day ... We took a few ornaments for the Christmas tree. They are a couple of cookies for Christmas, I saw just take it and said, "is mine!". It was an impulse. Pretty weird to me. Whatever ... love is so I'm thinking of using it in my backpack or my clothes, freak-but so what?
CHTMLXute, a single, I remembered when I first gathers together pangea ... it was something similar.
Len, our leader, Luka who lent us department for lunch, the ability to change and make things cos, Gumi (which really will neru) and Haku, Teto who did the majority of the photos and was very pokeable> w \u0026lt;! and finally Akaito-demasiadoprusiaparami ... hastamepusonerviosaamomentos-
also was memorable, the talk of things like ice cream never return to $ 50, salo, innocent jokes, a friendly chat without , rudeness, etc ~ and mmprove ....
the answer to everything is HORSE! ...
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