Thursday, November 25, 2010

Folliculitis And Tanning A bit of everything?

or pre-press -purchase materials and entry to the concomics -cut wig to a friend
-comb the wig to my family cos-

-end my cos

Saturday: "Go to plotter

- Model the pre-press work
- Finish my cos
- Advancing
to look for my friends in Santiago. Forward
-laying, packaging and labels -Advance the banner
-Deliver pre-press work-Order
things for the shoot.
-Advance the banner (finish to send to print $ _ $)
-c photoshooton the models.
-deliver the first few lines of the garment. LAUNCHcast

I got bored of writing the rest 8D

Before I forget ~ welcome the new members of the F-list ~ \u0026lt;3! I hope to speak more of my fandom and stuff when I have time

ps: do not forget to vote in the poll which can be
my next cosplay Arthur Kirkland?


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