Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mens Brazilian Wax Phila Pa

Author: [info] la_tamy
Characters: Bolivia / Paraguay
Prompt: First Time
Warning: can it seem that they are reading something racy, but really it's nothing!
Summary: for drablethon of [info] musa_hetaliana

Julie was nervous, but tried to reason understanding that this was completely new to e . He had already told his brother when he did Peru with Chile for a while but for bad luck of Peru, Chile hab &; Iacute; a more graceful out of that time.

looked at who was under him, Paraguay looked tired and a bit sweaty for supporting that position on the floor, trying to keep their legs open for the Bolivian do what he ; to do.

-M ... Mita'i - the voice of Daniel Julio awaken from his trance-Y ... I can not anymore.

- Just a little more, this


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