Saturday, October 17, 2009

Allure Vinyl Plank Flooring

Author: [info] la_tamy
Characters: Argentina / Chile
Prompt: Arms and Legs
Warnings: yaoi
Summary: for drablethon of [info] musa_hetaliana

The first kiss was a chill, the Argentine immediately felt it, because Chile was very easy to unbalance.

A soft licking caused a slight moan out of the mouth of Chile. Was very low, but it made Martin smile to follow the path of those legs quand drove him crazy when Manuel began to sweat through the touch that gave fetish.

felt like the fingers of his neighbor brushing his crotch and then continue on the thigh, making unconsciously felt with greater heat throughout your body.

- On the crest, invade me and - Chilean shouted impatiently. Her cheeks were heated and his whole body was sweating by the damn touch of Argentina.


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