Saturday, October 17, 2009

Does Music Hurt Bearded Dragons Ears? # 7 Happy Drunk

Author: [info] la_tamy
Characters: Mexico / Chile
Prompt: Very Males
Summary: for drablethon of [info] musa_hetaliana

had already taken a few drinks at the bar federal district, which was the favorite of those two, from time to time, got together to talk about their stuff, but nothing about gayness or not. For both Peter and Manuel were males fledged. Except when one took a tequila Masy started talking nonsense, as was the case of PeterXicano.


First stop talking so weas together, "said Manuel seeing his own glass-ya got me flat, this whole year I was there says: Oh ... the Alfred here that the gringo there. In order to mourn therefore look like a mine.


Mina? - Peter said "I am feeling completely insulted a man! - Said pounding his chest with his fist.



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