Characters: Chile and Argentina and real characters
Plot: Inspired by this news . Argentina recalls that event as he lived called Maipu Embrace
not remember how long ago who never went to that site, kept the memory of that time together, he with the Chile fought as a team, like brothers. There was no development at that time, only fields where two armies were facing. Now, there were houses and buildings llXC
these two old friends and now general, there were a hug filled with symbolism for a promising future, both looked tired, but his eyes were full of bliss, alegríay a project in their hands. It was a beautiful scene, which would be immortalized and remembered forever.
Manuel looked for his companion and found him, taking him completely off guard.
But he could not continue because your neighbor's face was not that of someone who, at the time, care about the victory is decisiveation, although it was difficult to bring order to his wounded friend and his nation by using it as a human shield ... -
- Manuel
Do you I can embrace?
No, we're in ceremony, Weon-
But one of friendship, I'm not asking for anything special
Argentina saw the mural back to San Martín.
"See, I'm learning to think before acting