"That's stupid.
- So what?
- Do not you care?
"Absolutely. ~ O ~
Yes, I've stolen the image
Y. ..
better not say anything. Or I'll regret every one of my words. Tomorrow
not want to go to class.
But I have no. Ojala
had a way around this.
If only my father mocked me and my mother did not say all day that the computer is the cause of my temper and that I removed.
But of course.
I, list of me, I follow theirdepending math and I love to talk with my only friends who are curious on msn and forums.
I wish I were not here. Ojala
had never been. Ojala
the world and time stopped for all eternity and when he awoke everything was better.
But it will not.
Why dreaming then?
I have not even agreed to change the title ... this is an edit. Delete this but I thought ... I do not know, maybe if I really worry. I'm not a nice person but ... is.
just wanted to add
A enilla151 're not mad at me, right? I have the idea that if. When you see me ask me to pass the msn conversation I had today, I need an opinion about it. Ojead
the Darwin Awards ( es.wikipedia.org / wiki / Premios_Darwin ) is really fun. And Adagio ~
closes. Today. Elendin is advised to do so.
A single explicaicón of what is this:
[b] ቮ [c = 6]. _Isu_. [/ B] [/ c = 13] [c = 13] [b] LGG deleted account, the generation mps [/ b] [/ c = 30] says:
Now you say
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