Saturday, January 9, 2010

Body Fortress Creatine High Performance Loading LatinHetalia: A more later

Characters: Puerto Rico (White), Venezuela (Maria), Colombia (Catalina), mentions the Dominican Republic (Gregorio)
Summary: Just an interesting afternoon for Puerto Rico. / This I did to try to shape it as it could be White

was a quiet afternoon, perfect pair to rest that weekend. And in the house of Commonwealth of Puerto Rico be heard some guitar chords. He was in the yard at that time with the instrument in their hands and swaying in a hammock made some time for herself. Her hands quietly took the instrument while looking for the right notes for the timea rope when he felt a little feet under the hammock, he turned his head to see a piglet sniffing the ground.

- Well, what are you doing here? - Puerto Rican said.

He got out of the hammock, leaving the guitar in it, and took a baby in her arms.

He realized that he had to corral the pigs had been opened and that little, and curious, decided to investigatevolvíaa after getting out of the hammock to see who was:

"Dominican? He thought. No, his style was not bother by telephone. United States? . 'Nah ... the veníay was installed in his house was not his talking on the phone.


Hello? - Asked by phone


& amchurches to see a new crown to her collection. But the judges did not think the same and the girl from Puerto Rico was the one who got the band, bouquet of roses and clear: the crown. White had in that time frame with your new beauty queen on a shelf with every victory of the tournament.


But you speak of? He had already won before and has not been anything wrong, "said the Puerto Rican


is now if it is & imp; nbsp; seems that already in my house, Colombia, "said the girl and could hear a weary sigh from the other side of the handset - Do not worry, I'll handle this, we are. -

But ...


I do not worry I take care of myself, bye


phone hung up and decided & oacute, see the picture better on the second floor and if, as I said Colombia, Venezuela was at the door of his house, something angry but still pose a lady.


Hello, Venezuela, "said Puerto Rico from the second floor," What brings you here ; - Do not act funny, you know perfectly well that my girl should be crowned because he was more beautiful than the yours, deliverylistóny me the crown.

- Come on guys, you should not make such a fuss, I was the one who chose was a select group of judges .

- For these judges was blind because my girl had many more attributes to gain.


Look, Vene ...

- &Listen ...


And get me started on the questions of the jury, ie that your world was

girl -


talking things go thought the Puerto Rico Venezuela

- ; BueLXC

What? Is it true? - Colombia said

surprised -

Yes, but probably not too happy with me, and that need some iodine and some bands


By God Puerto Rico, but he did - I swear

aunthat not believe

... I was not.

After the conversation was when it was still early.


Okay, back to the note E

Puerto Rico again his comfortable hammock and continued to refine this instrument.