the Southern Cone. Well as if Chile had friends in the Southern Cone, he thought to himself.
A maid opened the door, explaining that while Chile was there felt ill, as a precaution by the head of Chile.
's in his room, "she said politely," this with a friend so do not worry, only between no more. So really est & aace of the, at least expect to see in Chile, England was sitting in a chair near the back of the bed drinking a cup of tea while watching the face of Chile. When he heard the sound of the open door turned his head a little surprised. His eyes shift to serious and even some anger at the sight of Argentina under the door or to Argentina had given grace to find the English at home.
you doing here! - Said the approaching trasandinomp; nbsp;
Well, I do not go to a scene in front of Chile.
England, before doing anything, took the hand of Chilean between the sheets and kissed her softly, in farewell. What Martin did a lot of mass anger.
you done? - Argentina upset spat, holding back the urge to cut off English lips in the same way you wouldwith a barbecue.
The kiss lasted a few seconds Masy Arthur again accommodate the hands of Chilean carefully, like a piece of china.
Yes, that's all, "England said standing from his seat and heading for the door.
Both the fairy and the unicorn followed the lead of being the first out.
- &.
- It should not even bother being here, "Martin thought as he tried to remove the odor with the wet cloth.
decided to use something to take away the smell of tea from his nose and his backpack took out his pumpkin and a little dull, cold had forced him to bring it and you knew that Chile did not have in your home. It was unfortunate that his neighbor would prefer the crappy English brew the good taste of a fresh kill.
Manuel enter dreams began to move slightly pulling the bedclothes, was transpired, it was obvious that the fever and thick wool blankets they were beginning to suffocate. The Trasandino turned two of the three quilts from the bed for the patient feel more comfortable, the boy's neck was completely wet from the transpiracióny Argentina, as a good nurse, decided to towel dry bath to prevent perspiration cold worsens the state of its neighbor, approached with the utmost caution to avoid waking the patient, when again thefoul smell turned their noses.
But ...
Argentina took the hand of Chile and smell it again, but the trail of tea was gone when he cleaned it, then thought it up but had no trace of smell, except for the part he had touched her neck the patient. Sniffed that part again, perspiration mingled with the English drink, the smell became morestrong when up by the Chilean chin, becoming stronger ...
... on his lips.
bastard, he thought Argentina completely enraged at the discovery.
His mind went back to dialogue with English, a smile on his lips and look to excel in his face, had toldn his hands gloved in black and silent Chilean breath with his mouth covered with tea still warm , then play with her lips and down to his neck.
The powerlessness of not having cut his lips when he did
could sit and have a bit more mate to reassure your mind that kept repeating that scene over and over again. Echo had to go through a stupid and had not heard. Mate warm down his throat which caused the trouble in the stomach disappeared and also the aroma of tea in his face, and seeing the calaba
TMLXC Both women were surprised by a few seconds and ran upstairs scared of the boy's reaction when they reached the door they could see Argentina as he left the room as soon as possible while avoiding pillows, lamps and mate gourd Chilean released him angry while coughing.
- See you in the Latin American meeting next week-.alcanzó to say before leaving the house.
- Come weon, not finished with you! - ScreamingChile from his window with a rogue in Indian hands.
REPUBLIC OF CHILE! - Said the head-imposing order and good daughter of a general
Manuel left his anger to see his boss and the employee in the door frame. If the boss had used his nation's full name was that he was very angry.
some time had passed and the employee was trying to clean up the mess causado by Chile, which was lying with a thermometer in your armpit while Bachelet made a phone call.
- understand, thank you very much Cristina, I tell you, say hello to Nestor. - said, hung up.
Michelle asked the thermometer to the patient and checked the temperature.
- & nbsp; you already got the fever, "said the head-but anyway, you'll be lying today Diaye you take this remedy that suits you.
- Yes, because ... - said Chile - was talking to the boss of Argentina?
- Yes, "said the woman told me you came to visit because he was worried about you
Lies - Said the Chilean wine to pure mara ... -
Ahem! - Coughed women, understanding that there would to hear that.
Sorry, "said Manuel
She smiled and then remembered something:
- & n
not asked how it had come to the house and were served a rich eleven, between marraqueta bread, fresh milk and a good hot cup of tea, what more can you ask ?